1///Youth Lagoon "The Year Of Hibernation"
This 8 songs are most beautiful songs of this year. It's TOTALLY PERFECT!

2///Cloud "Rocket"
I know Tyler is the one of this era's genius! But who knows it? No one. I think... Practice Room Records (also Adam & Naive too!) is truly lucky cause they already got this man!

3///Born Gold "Bodysongs"
Born Gold makes the most shocking music of this year. I really surprised. Is this reality? or is this just bad dream? Anybody please!
今年最も衝撃的だった。カナダのこの奇人が作り出す音楽は本当に奇天烈で、僕はこれにどれほど驚かされたことか。これって、現実なの? それともただの悪い夢? 誰か!!!

4///Astro "Astro"
From Chile, this fresh and dynamic music is coming! Are you ready?? This is not so light! So if you want to catch this fresh, dynamic, and opened air, you must be ready! But it's not so difficult music, so just enjoy! Haha!
去年くらいからチリのインディ・シーンが熱いなと思っていたけど、これほどまでとは! このフレッシュでダイナミックでオープンな風を受け止めるつもりなら覚悟がいるよ! あ、でもね、そんな小難しいこと抜きにして楽しんじゃってもオッケー◎

5///Ganglians "Still Living"
What's going on? their new one for this year is yes yeah I think awesome!!! Just listen "Drop The Act", "Evil Weave", and "Jungle". and finally you'll find the answer to understand this crazy shit! of course the other songs are sure pretty good too!
何、何!? 彼らの今年の新作、とてもいいよ! とにかく1、3、5?だっけな、の曲聴いてみてよ。やられちゃうこと間違いなしだから! もちろん他のどの曲も良曲揃いと来た!

6///Sonoak & Michael Brandon "Go Ahead" (Split)
This has a perfect balance between Sonoak's sweet soft folk & Michael Brandon(who known as Classic Tribe's member)'s tranquil passion. This! is the gorgeous combination!

7///Lester Brown "Hauntology"
The musical activities of the recent aggressive Lester is surprising me very very. like this his amazing 2nd album. like Teenage Decomposer. like HLF FRNDS. and like Samoa! Does he want to be the second Omar Rodríguez-López? or to be like his friends Mickey Mickey Rourke?
最近のレスターの勢いはすごい。自身が受けたという50年代の音楽の影響をここまで素晴らしい今の感覚に落とし込んだ傑作2ndとか、Teenage Decomposer、HLF FRNDS、Samoaといったような彼のサイドプロジェクト群を聴けばそれはすぐにわかってもらえるだろう。彼はひょっとして第二のオマー・ロドリゲスになりたいのかな? それとも盟友MMRに追いつこうとしてる?

8///Primus "Green Naugahyde"
I can't believe! their last album "Antipop" was released in 1999! So between "Antipop" and "Green Naugahyde", 12 years passed. nowadays, young bands broke up next to next. so this year have a little darkness but Primus' this new one on this such year is bright so!
若手が次々に解散しちゃった今年、おっさん達(=ベテランとも言う)が12年ぶりに新作をリリースしたことは多くの迷えるバンドにとって、光になるだろうと思う。みんなこれ聴いてあきらめずにがんばれ!方向性の違い? 売れることの違和感? そんなもの20年やってから言え!

9///Letters From Readers "The Live Sessions EP"
Please don't bother me! Everything is so bored. But! this is not boring! He never bother me! He is really talented man! I did an interview with him on FUINE magazine. it is my pleasure. my honor!

10///Vampire Slayer "Pillow Talk"
There is three men from one band called Maniqui Lazer. one is in All Leather with Justin Pearson. and the other two is started tiny but good label "IndianGold Records" last year. and one of the two also started his solo project. yes that's this Vampire Slayer! and his new one is really fantastic! do you think so too? yeah... haha! But I want you to say this, Valentin! please react as Maniqui again!

11///Spank Rock "Everything Is Boring And Everyone Is A F---ing Liar"
Is this the future of the hip hop? or just crazy shit?

12///Pipoca "Pipoca"
One of the lady of Primacy Effect. Beautiful voices, beautiful melodies. and beautiful rhythms.

13///Halloween Swim Team "ANTENNAAA"
Fantastic weird sounds make me sick. but it's happy.

14///Fiveng "Translucence"
Nicholas is really talented man. now his bandcamp, he uploaded new song "Solstice". and it's also amazing. go check it out!

15///Wise Blood "These Wings"
I like Wise Blood so much! it's so cool!

16///Scumbag "Vocals EP"
I don't know about them so much. but I know their music is amazing.

17///Beach Moon/Peach Moon "Killer Wails"
They fascinated me easily. Sounds make me so relax.

18///Das Racist "Relax"
Most nice hiphop act for me is Das Racist. they are really crazy, funny, nice shit.

19///Pequeña Orquesta De Trovadores "Pequeña Orquesta De Trovadores"
From Argentina, sunny side funny folk band is coming! Good!

20///Casual Ocean "Goodbye Money"
One another Lester Brown's project. Go! Sing it! Louder! More! More!
And THIS YEAR's Good Compilation Albums here.

"In Heat" "Vento" both are IndianGold Records' good compilation! "In Heat" includes good indie, punk, underground music. and "Vento" includes ambient, drone, experimental avan garde music.

"Fonogramáticos Voumen 11: Juventud Bruta"
Club Fonograma's SA (South America) Indie's compilation album series is good. if you bored US indie, just try SA indie. then your world will be changed!
AND! THREE NEW BANDS, ARTISTS! mostly I focused my sight to them this year.

Little Ethiopia "Demente"
Funny duo from mexico! their sounds are really funny. but sometimes it sounds so cool!

Rancho Shampoo "Apache/Mudo EP"
In the compilation album "Vento" of IndianGold Records includes whole this EP! the songs are like flute sounds with the essence of nature navajo and electronic dance feelings!

Therapist "Heart Beats E.P."
the band from mexico and their EP recorded and mixed by Gerardo (Letters From Readers). and I really want to listen this EP entirely!
And so many other albums, songs, compilations was released this year. Ok, next is your turn. please tell me your best of this year.