The Last (?) Amazing Release of the Year.
Fuine magazine did an interview with Mickey Mickey Rourke and Lester Brown on same issue October. at that time, I ask them about a project Mickey Brown. YES! its amazing project of Mickey Mickey Rourke and Lester Brown! And their first release named "Vision Quest" is one of the best album of this year 2010. And they really quickly announced a second album named "Soul Glo". the first cut of this album is "Zordon". this song is the nice pop song with some mysterious twinkling sound. and the second cut of this album is "Never Cry". I think, I think this song is one of this year's best song. maybe its better as same as the Mickey Mickey Rourke's song named "Satanic Youth Brigade" and its from the brand new his album it will release on maybe the early next year. I think, "Never Cry" have the chemistry like Joy Division dancing with the Smiths. maybe... AND NOW, ladies and gentlemen! here the Mickey Brown's brand-new second album is arrived! its called "SOUL GLO" and you can find listen or share here: http://mickeymickeyrourke.bandcamp.com/album/soul-glo and also you can find one of the song from "SOUL GLO" on Lester Brown's blog. and that song is called "Wild Child". this song have some 60's feeling and I feel the image such as people dancing under the blue sky in this song. ok, tell the truth, I don't listen full "SOUL GLO" yet, so I'll go to listen to it. BYE. and I hope you'll enjoy it too!
OK, maybe this is the last announce about "the new releases of my favorite artist" from Fuine this year.
I wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year, love for everyone.
thanks lazer for the year 2010: Diana, Andrew, Evgeny and Narkotiki, Arvid, Maxim Z, Maxim K, Sasha and Human Tetlis, Tetsunori Tawaraya san (for amazing illustration), Valentin, Rodo, Jung and Maniqui Lazer, Vampire Slayer, Cheky and Loocila, Jovenes y Sexys, Justin and All Leather, 31G (my favorite amazing label of this world), Rhett, Earl, Miller and Neon Navajo, Mickey Mickey Rourke, Lester Brown, Mickey Brown, asa chan, anna chan, Pink Pony Club, Angsa dan Serigala, Reese with Butterfly Bones, Kisses, She Talks Silence, Jovana with Hot Cha Cha (I always thank you and your band!), miuko san, ingel san, fumiko san with Falsettos, seki san, ishii san, matsui san with Nacht, yasuna chan, mi~san and awesome cute show "Happy Time", elle san with amazing place "Chikyu-ya", Kahorin, Ino chan, Greg and the everyone at Practice Room Records, Ayumi Suzuki san with Ayumi-no-noroi, Valentine and Get Hustle (one of my favorite super cool band), Nemuina san (your MANGA is really nice! and thank you so much!), Toshinao Aoki san (amazing MANGA writer, I love his cute character), Sateto La Festa Daikanyama, Hako-Mohu, wappen, oninko!, shopaholic, Hirachin san, SAWA san, MIPO san, coconuts disk Kichijoji, disk union Kunitachi Ekimae/Kichijoji, Aoi Wakita san, Alejandro with Nuuro (R.I.P.!!! I love Nuuro forever!!), Mike with Million Young, Nicholas with Fiveng, Letters from Readers, Kimura san (for really nice translation), Mayumi, Yuriko (I always thank you both you ladies!).
Super thanks lazer: Seiko Erisawa, Kentarou Yamamoto, Yuka Goto for amazing, awesome MANGA; monacal, Satoshio, Fight Jijii Club and Seigitai!!!
And thanks for EVERYONE related me and FUINE! xxx.
Somnolent Split
Just released amazing solo second album "Posedriplose", Trestin Eeling release split album with the artist named Beach Moon/Peach Moon.
and its just today! (18, Dec.)
古き良き、グッドタイムミュージックなBeach Moon/Peach Moonの曲も素晴らしいけど、何と言っても、Trestin Eelingのここ最近の進化ぶりは驚くべきものだと思います。
Beach Moon/Peach Moon's old-timey good-time music is of course amazing!
But mostly amazing thing is the Trestin Eeling's nowadays' growth.
CloudのElephant EraはPRRを代表する傑作だったけれど、Glass Frogのソロフルアルバムにしろ、Adam & Naiveのサードにしろ、Trestinのセカンドにしろ、次々に傑作をリリースする彼ら。
once released Cloud's "Elephant Era" is absolutely amazing album and its Practice Room Records' masterpiece, I think.
but nawadays, they released so many masterpieces like Glass Frog's solo full-length "Travellaces", Trestin Eeling's second solo "Posedriplose" and of course Adam & Naive's third album "Every Starry Night" !!
and japanese music magazine's head said "if there is even an opportunity, they'll explode!".
so, Practice Room Records have so nice condition nowadays.
I'm looking forward to their future very very.
check this here
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