Just released amazing solo second album "Posedriplose", Trestin Eeling release split album with the artist named Beach Moon/Peach Moon.
and its just today! (18, Dec.)

古き良き、グッドタイムミュージックなBeach Moon/Peach Moonの曲も素晴らしいけど、何と言っても、Trestin Eelingのここ最近の進化ぶりは驚くべきものだと思います。
Beach Moon/Peach Moon's old-timey good-time music is of course amazing!
But mostly amazing thing is the Trestin Eeling's nowadays' growth.
CloudのElephant EraはPRRを代表する傑作だったけれど、Glass Frogのソロフルアルバムにしろ、Adam & Naiveのサードにしろ、Trestinのセカンドにしろ、次々に傑作をリリースする彼ら。
once released Cloud's "Elephant Era" is absolutely amazing album and its Practice Room Records' masterpiece, I think.
but nawadays, they released so many masterpieces like Glass Frog's solo full-length "Travellaces", Trestin Eeling's second solo "Posedriplose" and of course Adam & Naive's third album "Every Starry Night" !!
and japanese music magazine's head said "if there is even an opportunity, they'll explode!".
so, Practice Room Records have so nice condition nowadays.
I'm looking forward to their future very very.
check this here
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