the new release from Practice Room Records!!!
Practice Room Recordsから
Trestin Eelingの新作に続いて、新バンドのEPが登場!
and its name is Primacy Effect.
その名もPrimacy Effect!
here is the intoduction from their page.
Tyler went away to school one year and made a bunch of new friends. Two of which were Samira and Lorena, and they jammed hard. One November week, they cut a couple classes and took a bus down to Long Island where they spent a few days with Kenny in the practice room recording 'til the sun came up. It was a great few days, and their first EP was born from it. They hopped on a bus back to Boston, smiling.
and this is the first EP
"Am I Wearing the Godhead?"

its simple and beautiful folk song◎
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